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BRRC Historical Results


This page is "under development" and currently includes

 2017 to 2021 results from 'live' events held at West End. 


It will take maybe 30 seconds to initially load, so be patient !


Note: At this stage Results WILL NOT be shown on Mobile Devices,

only Desktops, Laptops & some Tablets 


Please use the 'search' function by entering either

your NAME or BIB  to  find all your results.


You can enter YOUR NAME for all your results,

YOUR NAME & DISTANCE (eg 10km) for distance results,

or just DISTANCE (eg 10km) for all results of that distance. 


You can also search by BIB No, although if you have a 3 Digit Bib No,

results may also include those 4 Digit Bib No's that include your 3 Digit Bib No.


Once displayed, you can also sort by each Column shown (up & down)


Up to 50 results will be shown in the window,

but you can Scroll within table to scroll further down or up within the results.


Note: this function is still under development, so please be patient as the page loads!

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