June 19, 2022
BRRC Virtual Runs - 5k, 10k, or Both!
All members are welcome to participate in our fortnightly 'Virtual Runs' in addition to our regular scheduled 'live' events.
Even if you plan to run with us on a Sunday you can still upload other runs completed in the week beforehand - you could even upload your parkrun results to see how you compared to other club members!
This 'virtual' event is open for BRRC members only to complete a run - if you're keen you could enter ALL distances !
Eligible runs must be recorded between Saturday 11th June to Sunday 19th June
Members may also participate in the 'Virtual' events even if they plan to run at West End BUT not upload runs completed at this BRRC 'live' event on Sunday.
For example, members can compete in the 5k 'live' run on Sunday and a 5k 'virtual' run, but they can't use the Sunday 'live' run as their 'virtual' run - it would have to be a different run.
Participants must then upload their results to this website by MIDDAY on Sunday 22nd May to be eligible and included in the 'Virtual Run' results - no late entries will be accepted.
Overall Results for each distance will be posted on this website within 24 hours of the event close.
Please ensure you abide by the 'social distancing' rules, and select a route that is not crowded with other runners, cyclists, or walkers. Ideally, run close to home and stay safe.
After your run, click the button below to record your event entry and results at the same time - there is no need to 'pre-enter' this event.
Happy running!